Extending asphalt-exceptions

Writing new reporter backends

To support new exception reporting services, you can subclass the ExceptionReporter class. You just need to implement the report_exception() method.

If you want your exception reporter to be available as a backend for ExceptionReporterComponent, you need to add the corresponding entry point for it. Suppose your exception reporter class is named MyExceptionReporter and it lives in the package foo.bar.myreporter and you want to give it the alias myreporter, then add this line to your project’s setup.py under the entry_points argument in the asphalt.exceptions.reporters namespace:

    # (...other arguments...)
        'asphalt.exceptions.reporters': [
            'myreporter = foo.bar.myreporter:MyExceptionReporter'

Or in setup.cfg:

asphalt.exceptions.reporters =
    myreporter = foo.bar.myreporter:MyExceptionReporter

Writing extras providers

If you want to provide backend specific extra data for exception reporting, you can do so by subclassing ExtrasProvider and adding one or more instances of it as resources to the context.

For example, if you wanted to provide extra data for Sentry about your custom context (MyContext), you could do write a provider like this:

from asphalt.exceptions.api import ExtrasProvider
from asphalt.exceptions.reporters.sentry import SentryExceptionReporter

class MyExtrasProvider(ExtrasProvider):
    def get_extras(ctx, reporter):
        if isinstance(ctx, MyContext) and isinstance(reporter, SentryExceptionReporter):
            return {
                'time_spent': 1265,
                'data': {
                    'user': {'email': 'foo@example.org'}
                'tags': {'site': 'example.org'},
                'extra': {'foo': 'bar'}

And then during the startup of your component:

from asphalt.exceptions.api import ExtrasProvider

class MyComponent(Component):
    async def start(ctx):
        ctx.add_resource(MyExtrasProvider(), types=[ExtrasProvider])